- We started Stockholm Mastering in 2009 after having worked at another mastering studio in Stockholm.
- Thomas has been working with audio mastering since 2000.
- Sofia has been working with audio mastering since 2006.
- Before we met we both independently studied Engineering Physics and Sound Engineering. Between the both of us we have 658 higher education credits (Sofia 355 and Thomas 303) quite equally distributed in maths, physics, computer science and audio engineering.
- Both of us have studied Sound Engineering at the School of Music in Piteå, which back then was a 2-year program that fed engineers to the Swedish Radio. Sofia in 2004-2006 and Thomas in 1998-2000.
- We created and held a mastering course in Piteå for the third year Sound Engineering students at Luleå Tekniska Universitet, between 2009-2018.
- Made our own online mastering course 2020-2022. We discontinued it since we felt we couldn’t make it perfect enough, despite remaking it once. It was very much appreciated though and some expressed it as eye opening.
- We have built three mastering studios over the years, two of them with a hybrid analog/digital setup and full acoustic treatment.
- We have developed a solution for mastering in headphones that performs better than any control room we’ve ever worked in.
- Fulfilled our goal to work completely in the box in 2016 and built our current studio around that. The last piece of that puzzle was developing a digital version of our main mastering compressor.
- Developed our custom monitor controller into a commercial VST3/AU plugin. Still ongoing.
- Started a YouTube channel around the time of the pandemic. It currently has 54 videos and 13500 subscribers. We have recently found a way to do videos that seem effective for learning and also are appreciated.
- We master all records together since a few years back. We are both experts at different things and work in a special kind of way using our individual strengths. Both of us are deeply involved in every record that comes to Stockholm Mastering.
- We often let projects rest overnight if we can’t solve a specific problem and return to it with fresh ears.
- Both of us are music lovers since childhood and listen to a lot of music in our free time.