Hi Friends!
We have updated the discography with new albums from Elin Forkelid (SE), Dy Plambeck & Marianne Søgaard (DK), Erik Palmberg (SE) and Andreas Hald (DK), an EP from Henrik Lindstrand (SE, stereo and Dolby Atmos) and singles from Tomas Raae (DK, stereo and Dolby Atmos) and Annika Hammer (SE).

The SM Monitor Controller is out in version 0.0.4. In December there will be a version 0.0.5. Some people have asked when the finished version will be released and it’s hard to say. We initially developed this plugin only for ourselves and now with other users and new formats there are many things to solve! 😺 But our mission is to make it available to anyone who wants it and can benefit from it. We have to ask for some patience until we are there. (We are going to get there!)
There is also a compressor plugin that will come out at some point. It is based on a modified analog compressor that we used a lot back when we still worked in an analog/digital hybrid setup. It wasn’t until we had developed our own digital version of this compressor that we could make the switch to a fully digital workflow. This one is a real gem when it comes to compression for mastering and our digital version has a very unique twist to it. 💎💎💎

So those are some of the side projects here at Stockholm Mastering. 😜
Right now we are completely in phase with all mastering projects going into December. When it comes to December, there are a few spots left for albums. Then we will start scheduling incoming records on the other side of the New Year. ⭐️ Let us know your needs and we will try to meet them.
The studio will close for the holidays on December 20, 2024 and be back in business on January 6, 2025.
All the best!
💚 Sofia & Thomas