"Stockholm Mastering förstod helt och hållet vad jag var ute efter och lyfte ljudet på albumet till en ny nivå" –Markus, Nineties Ghosts
English translation: "Stockholm Mastering completely understood what I was aiming for and elevated the sound of the album to a new level" –Markus, Nineties Ghosts

"I've trusted Stockholm Mastering for many years now and have never been disappointed. Thomas and Sofia always deliver the best you could expect." –Patrick Hemer

"The master is perfect, you've done a great job again! We loved it at first run, I had goosebumps listening to it! We would like to thank you once again for understanding our sound. We will sure get back to you again on our next project!" –Miguel, Bizarra Locomotiva

"After listening to the tracks several times, and in different devices, I can confirm that we are more then happy with the results of your work. The tracks sounds both amazing and I could not be happier. Thank you very much once again to all of you for the work and exceptional service!"
– Enrico, Below Carbon

"Band of Pockets have worked with Stockholm Mastering, Thomas and Sofia, from the start. Getting a good mastering these days is not very difficult, it will sound loud, it will sound fat. But getting GREAT mastering, having great ears (human beings with an understanding of music and genres) taking care of your songs, serving the nuances, finding the right low end, and making them even more musical – that’s not very common. Stockholm Mastering always knocks us off our feet with their ability to take every song and make it deeper, rounder, smoother, louder, and even happier and freer (yes!). It’s some sort of magic, and we would never trade that for anything. If you want the best for your music, don’t look any further." –Band of Pockets

"We have now all had time to listen and we’re super happy with the result, thank you very much. This has been a wonderful first experience and we hope we can come back to you guys with future projects." – Frostbitt

"Thank you so much for your really great work, Stockholm Mastering! 🙏🙏🙏" – Jan Harbeck

"Vi har lyssnat på allt nu flera gånger och vi är SÅ nöjda. Wow! Vi har nog aldrig varit så nöjda med en mastring förut och är väldigt glada och imponerade över erat arbete. Ni har verkligen lyckats lyfta låtarna till en ny nivå och många partier som jag har bråkat med länge känns bättre nu." – Phogg
English translation: "We've listened to everything several times now, and we are SO satisfied. Wow! We've probably never been this pleased with mastering before and are very happy and impressed with your work. You've truly managed to elevate the songs to a new level, and many parts that I've struggled with for a long time feel better now." – Phogg

"Thank you so much for this! I have had a good listen. It sounds amazing as always so thanks!!!" – Jonas Colstrup

"Thank you Stockholm Mastering for your sound wizard skills! The sound is amazing! 🤩🎵" – Elaria Orchestra